To make an airplane go from rest to in motion:
1. Get in the airplane.
2. Start the engine.
3. Check all systems.
4. Make sure the runway is clear.
5. Give the safety lecture.
6. Turn on the throttle.
7. Start down the runway.
8. Pull up to take off.
9. Raise or lower the wing flaps to have the airplane go to the desired height.
10. Keep the engines running and the wing flaps at the correct angle to fly.
Something that would inhibit this object from moving would be:
~lack of fuel
~no tires
~no pilot
~no wind
~broken propeller
~malfunctioning electrical systems
Ways that robots move include:
~wheels attached to wires and sensors that connect to the robot's computer programming
Ways that a robot's movement can be inhibited:
~malfunctioning elcetrical systems
~low battery
~glitch in programming
~obstacles in its way
Five steps in order for the robot to go forward two rotations:
1. Start left motor.
2. Start right motor.
3. Wheels turn 720 degrees.
4. Stop right motor.
5. Stop left motor.
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