Monday, October 4, 2010

Article Journal Post #7: RoboCare

Panasonic has recently unveiled two new technologies to help health care workers assist the elderly and disabled. One is a robotic hair washer that has sixteen "fingers" to massage the scalp and has the memory capacity to store preferences for different people. The other new technology is a wheelchair that can convert into a bed.
These new developments in health care are important as the world's population ages. Health care workers do not need to spend the time doing mundane tasks that a robot could easily do for them and when there are more important things to take care for the elderly patient, such as getting the right medicine or preparing meals. The pneumatic controls on the wheelchair bed allow the caretaker to handle it easily. The wheelchair bed also minimizes the risk of a patient falling or getting hurt when being transferred from the wheelchair to bed. These technologies are very useful, but may need some getting used to from the older patients.

supporting article 

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