Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Full Speed Ahead Worksheet

1. The left wheel spun 720 degrees, but the right one did not, so the robot spun in a circle.
2. The left motor spun.
3. It spun forward.
4. Yes, the motor stopped spinning on its own because we set it to only go 720 degrees.
5. No. We want it to go straight forward.
6. The second motor command is needed because there are two motors. One command will only activate the one motor. To move both motors we need two commands.
7. The robot did not stop because we did not command it to stop. It kept going once it hit the end of the program because it wasn't commanded to stop then.
8. Downloading a program is transferring the program from the computer onto the NXT. Running a program means that the robot is actually following the commands and executing the commanded actions. You need to download it first. You should download it as often as you make changes to your program.
9. B. The sequence beam determines order.
First Block: Motor C was to run forward.
Second Block: Motor B was to run forward.
Third Block: Motor C was to wait for a rotation of 720 degrees.
Fourth Block: Motor C was told to stop.
Fifth Block: Motor B was told to stop.
i. The wait block told the motors how long to run before stopping.
ii. To make the robot go a shorter distance, I could have told the wait block to wait for a smaller degree rotation. To make it go a longer distance, I could have told the wait block to wait for a bigger degree rotation.
iii. To make the robot go twice the distance, all I would have to do to the original program would be to change the degrees in the wait block from 720 to 1440.
12. When changed the plug from Port B to Port A, the robot turned in a circle. Only the left motor spun.
13.The robot will go straight forward for 720 degrees and then stop. Both motors will run.
14. The robot will go straight forward for 720 degrees and then both motors will stop.
15. The program blocks are not different. The action blocks are the same, but must be programmed to run backwards instead of forwards.
16. The robot did not behave as expected. It went too far backwards.
17. The Rotation Sensor needs to be reset because the program interprets 720 degrees backwards as 720 degrees behind where it started.
18. We will need to use this in future programs when the programming becomes more complicated. We may need to change the reference point to where the robot currently is and not where it started.

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